[caption id="attachment_79" align="aligncenter" width="440" caption="Chanel Handbag"][/caption]
The price of Chanel bags depend on the material pledge and the size. Generally speaking, the most classic have several scale-up flap (with a double crossed C, the skin with metal chain).A medium, cowhide bag is 1710 Europe earlier and this month has a higher price. The priced in China is about 2 million. Others will be more expensive, about 2.55 million, (traditional symbol, metal chain). The medium one is about 1890 Europe but I like the scale-up one more. Other packages are RMB 18,000 or above.
LV is more than 400 Europe at lowest. If it is just a little bit, the EVA is only 300 thousand Yuan .This is the basic aging, such as chessboard, and blue white plate. All skin pricing will be expensive. Suhali is a small series, relative to its home. Other leather series is more expensive series .of course, except the present company. One can hold the suhali A4 bag at 1,800 Europe above.
If careful, you will find that LV bags of metal parts are more expensive. Even the same series about the size, the price will be different. This is observe that conclusion: the starting point of Chanel bag is high, but the average is 20,000 ~ 3 million (generally designed size). You may not buy the color and style you want.
LV has series material and size. The starting point is not high, but all skin pricing points are cheaper than Chanel.
The two kinds are very expensive bags (limited or special material is all tens of thousands Yuan). So they are not suit for all the people.
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